Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Feeling nervous

There will be a first class with a new student today. It is always so stressful and... fun!
I hope it will go fine. 2 more hours to get ready...
.... and I get a free babysitting! :) His amazing Mom will be taking care of my boy while I m taking care of hers. Reasonable deal!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Paint Out Event in Palenville NY

Long story short - my husband and I participated in this event
Here is my painting (9x12), photograph cut it on the top a bit.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Last week before Art Fest

Yes, I am framing, re-framing, varnishing. One more week and then my life should be back to normal.
Here is an example how the drawings look like framed. I did not have time to take a nice picture but at least it will give some idea.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Another old one

Very busy days. Looking forward to having my usual joyful lunch breaks at the lake.

I have painted a few self-portraits and this one was probably thrown in the garbage long time ago. Despite the imperfection of the forms I think I should have kept it.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Old portrait

I was looking for something and I found a picture of a very old portrait finished in 2007. Time flies! I cannot believe it has been such a while... I always thought this was not a successful portrait but it looks better than I thought. If I had a chance, I would have worked on the shoulders/arm and cloths.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015


I added some contrast to this drawing that makes it look better in its frame.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Suddenly Windham Art Fest

Yesterday I came across a link to the Windham Art Fest and I inquired about free spots. To my surprise I got accepted within hours even though the deadline for applications was March. Exciting and challenging! I am finishing up the latest work and trying to fit this into our lives.
(...my husband is being unbelievably supportive...)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Experiment with the turpenoid

Yesterday there was a Led Zeppelin concert in the area so not too many folks came to the Greek's event. Well, if I knew about Led Zeppelin I would've considered going there too :-P
So even with a few babushkas that stopped by they still sold some of my drawings! I am glad.

Today I experimented with turpenoid.
Men are still napping, one is sick, another one is recovering from a long exhausting trip.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

20 minutes

It could have been a nice painting/drawing if time was not an issue. I was looking at these purple shadows for day. Feels good to finally "catch" them on paper.

Friday, June 5, 2015

After rain

I did not mean to draw/paint today but the light after rain was soooo beautiful. I did not have my notebook and pencils around so I used something else to enjoy the moment.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sunset drawing

My men were building the dam and I avoided their company in order not to freak out every time our little one steps into the river or finds new dirt.

Framing and re-framing

This Saturday's event turns to be such a pain in term of prep work.
This is some kind of artist statement. Good enough to present drawings I think.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

30 minutes outside

Ah, the wild flowers are so beautiful. I should bring some home.
I had to make tough decision: to cook a soup or to draw. Too bad by boy's Mom has wrong priorities!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Framing business

My drawings will be offered for sale next weekend on a church event and I am surprised how much time it actually takes to frame them. Obviously I spent less time drawing than framing them.
They look nice but the latest oils look even better. Here is a rough picture of what is looking at me when I am working.